White Lady or Lady in White

In a tower there is a white lady,grief enshrouds her face

maybe somebody has hurt her or she‘s missing the sun’s radiance

In the dark forests there‘s a castle emblazoned by a mystery

nobody likes going to these places where death is holding her feasts

 A beautiful lady is hiding in a tower in a murk she conceals her soul

sad songs she is singing all night long who will come to break the curse?

 Night by night she sheds bitter tears they flow along the courtyard.

Once two men were fighting for her nobody is paying compliments to her now

 White lady, white candle ardent as a desert lioness

she wretch, penitent, sinner

 My soul is as dark as a night pointless is to look for help

My soul is as dark as a night

pointless is to look for help,

help, help 

